Who is Who

residium - ELCA Members

  • Austria - WKO Bundesinnung der Gärtner und Floristen / Austrian Association of Gardeners and Florists
  • Belgium - FBEP-BFG Fédération Belge Entrepreneurs Paysagistes / Belgische Federatie Groenvoorzieners   
  • Bulgaria - Association of Professional Landscapers in Bulgaria         
  • Czech Republic - SZÚZ Svaz zakládání a údržby zeleně
  • Denmark - DAG Danske Anlægsgartnere
  • Finland - VYRA Viher- ja ympäristörakentajat ry
  • France - UNEP Union Nationale des Entreprises du Paysage  
  • Germany - BGL Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e. V. 
  • Greece - PEEGEP Greek National Union of Agriculturist Landscape Contractors                          
  • Hungary - MAKEOSZ Magyar Kertépítők Országos Szövetsége - Ass. L.C. Hungary                            
  • Ireland South - ALCI South Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland Southern Region                  
  • Italy - ASSO.IMPRE.DI.A Associazione nazionale Imprese per la Difesa e tutela Ambientale      
  • Luxembourg - FHL Fédération Horticole Luxembourgeoise
  • Malta - ELC Environmental Landscapes Consortium Limited          
  • Norway - NAML Norsk Anleggsgartnermesterlag          
  • Poland - SAK Stowarzyszenie Architektury Krajobrazu
  • Romania - Associata Gradinarilor Profesionisti din Romania   
  • Spain - FEEJ Federación Española de empresas de Jardinería
  • Sweden - STAF Trädgårdsanläggarna              
  • Switzerland - JardinSuisse Unternehmerverband Gärtner Schweiz
  • The Netherlands  - VHG Branchevereniging Vereniging van Hoveniers en Groenvoorzieners

ELCA Associated Members

  • Canada - CNLA Canadian Nursery Landscape Association        
  • Great Britain - BALI British Association of Landscape Industries 
  • Singapore - Landscape Industry Association Singapore

ELCA Board

  • Mr Henrik Bos, President
    ELCA and supporting advice for lobby and exchange
    Finland - henrik.bos@vrj.fi
  • Mr Lutze von Wurmb, Vice-President and Treasurer
    Treasurer and supporting advice for the financial structure
    Germany - vonwurmb@osbahr.de
  • Mr Hervé Lançon, Vice-President
    Supporting advice for visibility, communication and marketing
    France - herve.lancon@idverde.com
  • Mr Kenneth Lundin, Vice-President
    Supporting advice for living green and technical support
    Sweden - k.lundin.s@gmail.com 
  • Mr Yasin Otuzoglu, Chairman of the Committee of Firms and Vice-President
    Committee of Firms members and activities
    Turkey - yasinotuzoglu@karaoglu.com.tr







ELCA Office

Egbert Roozen, Secretary General

Rond Point Robert Schuman 6 box 5

1040 Brussels

Telephone and WhatsApp +32 468 35 11 91

Email contact@elca.info 

Website www.elca.info