Informative News


Annual Report BGL 2016/2017

‘Green is quality of life’

This is the title of the Annual Report 2016/2017 of the Bundesverbandes Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e.V. (BGL). In addition to economic figures and facts, the 72-page report provides important information on the manifold tasks of the business association and presents the trends and developments in the green industry.


Annual report of activities - UNEP Les Entreprises du Paysage


Barometer for landscaping companies Unep

Unep-Val'hor-Agrica - 1st half of 2018
Business activity of landscaping companies: Strong growth figures continue to prevail After 2017, a year in which landscaping companies registered a record resurgence in business activity, the industry is continuing to grow, in particular thanks to strong public-sector contracts.


Building with trees

The time that green decoration was is over. We are increasingly realizing the value of green for the quality of our environment, biodiversity and the health and well-being of people. Trees take a very important place in this. They absorb carbon dioxide, capture particulate matter, evaporate excess water and bring pleasant coolness during hot days.

Trees are part of our social capital. The benefits increase as a tree grows older. When making development plans, it is important to take account of existing trees and to create the right place for new trees. This cahier gives all sorts of handy tips for this. I heartily recommend it to you.

Egbert Roozen, director of the VHG branch association


City climate - The city of tomorrow will be green

Climate guide to act against global warming in the city.

‘The city of tomorrow will be green’

5 solutions recommended by landscape companies to restore nature in the city

5 concrete proposals for decision-makers and tips for daily action against global warming in cities

Communication on the Global EU response to COVID-19


Coronavirus EU global response to fight the pandemic_20200422


Coronavirus __ Commission and European Investment Fund


COVID-19 Commission presents practical guidance to ensure the free movement of critical workers


COVID-19 EU Commission adopts Temporary Framework’

‘The European Commission has adopted a Temporary Framework to enable Member States to use the full flexibility foreseen under State aid rules to support the economy in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. Together with many other support measures that can be used by Member States under the existing State aid rules, the Temporary Framework enables Member States to ensure that sufficient liquidity remains available to businesses of all types and to preserve the continuity of economic activity during and after the COVID-19 outbreak.’


COVID-19 EU_Policy measures taken against the spread and impact of the coronavirus - 09 April 2020


COVID-19 State aid Commission extends Temporary Framework


COVID-19_20200416_President VDL on the EU action on the coronavirus.pdf


COVID-19_20200416_The EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19



Economic - The economic impact of ornamental horticulture and landscaping in the UK.

Economic Report for the ornamental horticulture roundtable group.


Education - Good green education is a team effort.

Reaping the fruits of the training in professional practice
The values of green are crystal clear to us by now. We are aware that green plays an important role in the quality of our living environment, biodiversity and human health. The opportunities within the circular economy are also becoming more and more apparent. The green trade is in full swing. We work on green and sustainable solutions.


ELCA - We take care for a green and liveable Europe

“We take care for a green and liveable Europe”

At this moment we are facing big challenges in keeping our world liveable. Climate is changing. Heavy rain and drought will lead to all kinds of damage. More and more plants and animals are disappearing. This will affect  in the end also our food chain. It is to be expected that in future the majority of people will live in cities. How do we keep cities a sustainable place to live and work in? All this kind of topics are related to greenery. The time that greenery was decoration, is over. Greenery offers important benefits for the quality of our lives.


Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2020 - 20200915

Employment and Social Developments in Europe review: why social fairness and solidarity are more important than ever

Today, the Commission's services have published the 2020 edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review dedicated to the theme of social fairness and solidarity. The review provides evidence-based analysis on how to achieve greater fairness across the EU in the face of crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic as well as structural changes due to demographic ageing, and the green and digital transitions.

The Commission’s 2020 edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review, titled “Leaving no one behind and striving for more: fairness and solidarity in the European social market economy” explains why social fairness and solidarity is more important than ever. The review provides evidence-based analysis on how to achieve greater fairness across the EU in the face of crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and of long-term challenges arising from structural change due to demographic ageing, climate change and digitalisation.

More info


EU - Connecting smart and sustainable growth through smart specialisation


EU - Guidance on a strategic framework for supporting the deployment of EU-level green and blue


EU - The guide to multi-benefit cohesion policy investments in nature and green infrastructure


EU Research and Innovation for and with Cities

This report provides an overview of the main EU Research and Innovation (R&I) actions for and with cities, promoted both at the European and international level to foster sustainable urban development.


Europe's moment: Repair and prepare for the next generation

Today, the European Commission has put forward its proposal for a major recovery plan. To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, the European Commission is proposing to create a new recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, embedded within a powerful, modern and revamped long-term EU budget. The Commission has also unveiled its adjusted Work Programme for 2020, which will prioritise the actions needed to propel Europe's recovery and resilience.

Read more:

PDF EU documents:

Europe - Repair and prepare for the next generation

Commission Work Programme-2020-adjusted_en

Commission Work Programme-2020-adjusted-ANNEXES_en

Commission Work Programme-2020-adjusted-FACTSHEET_en


European Green Capital Award

Green Cities Fit for Life

The European Commission has long recognised the important role that local authorities play in improving the environment, and their high level of commitment to genuine progress. The European Green Capital Award was conceived as an initiative to promote and reward these efforts, to spur cities to commit to further action, and to showcase and encourage exchange of best practice among European cities.

European Green Capitals

The first European Green Capital was awarded in 2010 and nine cities have been awarded since.

European Green Leaf Award

Following the success of the European Green Capital Award, the European Green Leaf Award was established in 2015 to recognise the environmental efforts and achievements of smaller cities (20,000 – 100,000 inhabitants). To date, seven cities have been awarded the title of European Green Leaf

EWRC 2018 - Report from EU Week for Regions and Cities

At EWRC 2018 in Brussels, numerous lectures and workshops were held among other sustainable urban planning.




Garden - The living garden

The manual contains no less than 210 pages of information and inspiring examples of green applications and sustainable materials. Not only for private gardens, but also for public spaces, for business parks, schoolyards and gardens around hospitals and care institutions.

Green and Healthcare

Greenery in and around nursing homes, hospitals and clinics is beneficial for the climate inside and outside the organisation, and has a positive effect on the patients’ state of mind and ability to recover, as well as the general well-being of patients, staff and visitors. This document provides information on the benefits of greenery in relation to recovery and well-being, including references to scientific literature. It concludes with some tips on how to ensure the successful and beneficial inclusion of greenery.

Green Rewards! - About social and economic benefits of urban green

In this publication you can read about the economic benefits of greenery and how you can generate income or realize savings using green, using many Dutch examples. Because: Groen Rewards !, we are convinced of that. When the green is used as a solution - think of water retention, improving air quality, preventing degradation of the living environment, stimulating movement, etc. - then green is an investment instead of a cost item. And because green is multifunctional, the costs involved in the design of public green space need not be borne by the green budget, but can be drawn from various portfolios within municipalities (water management, care and welfare, sport and recreation traffic and transport, climate and energy, building and housing, finance and taxes) and beyond.

For example, trees and plants lead to collaboration within municipal departments and between municipalities, developers, construction parties, the health sector, climatologists, urban planners, tree nurseries, large green workers and gardeners. That is profit for all parties involved.

Greenery and Education

Greenery in and around schools, childcare centres and on campuses is good for the climate at education institutions, both inside and out. It has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of students and staff alike, improving student performance and their ability to concentrate, as well as fostering the social climate. This document provides information on the benefits of greenery in relation to education and well-being, including references to scientific literature. It concludes with some tips on how to ensure the successful and beneficial inclusion of greenery.

Greenery and Residential

Greenery in and around residential homes and apartments is good for the climate and living environment, both indoors and out. It has a positive effect on the health and well-being of residents and visitors in general, while also raising property values. This document provides information on how homes and well-being can benefit from greenery, including references to scientific literature. It concludes with some tips on how to ensure the successful and beneficial inclusion of greenery.

Greenery and Work

Greenery in and around offices and other working environments is good for both the indoor and outdoor climate, and has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of employees and visitors. It aids concentration, helps reduce stress and increases staff productivity. This document provides information on the benefits of greenery in relation to work and well-being, including references to scientific literature. It concludes with some tips on how to ensure the successful and beneficial inclusion of greenery.

Greenery: more than beauty and health

Greenery in our living environment is beneficial for more than just our health and well-being. It facilitates water management and stimulates biodiversity in built-up areas, and it can also reduce the effects of noise pollution. Greenery also has a positive impact on the property value of homes and offices. This document provides general information on the benefits of greenery, supplementary to the detailed fact sheets on how greenery can improve health and well-being in Residential, Professional, Educational and Healthcare contexts.


Health surveillance for hand-arm vibration syndrome



Infrastructure - Building a green infrastructure for Europe

Investing into green infrastructure makes sound economic sense – a single area of land can offer multiple benefits, provided its ecosystems are in a healthy condition. Such healthy ecosystems, which are powered by the diversity of life within them, provide society with a stream of valuable, economically important goods and services such as clean water and air, carbon storage, pollination etc. They also play a central role in fighting climate change impacts by protecting us against floods and other environmental disasters.


Investigation - City in green, city alive: a new model of society

The UNEP investigations

‘City in green, city alive: a new model of society’

For its latest survey, conducted in February 2016,

UNEP wanted to know the expectations of the French people about urban greening and their vision of the ideal city of the future ...

Verdict: the city will have to be green !!!


Nature and Biodiversity - EU GREEN wEEK

EU Green Week 2020  -  Biodiversity

Nature matters

Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. This web of living things is the heart of nature, cleaning the water we drink, pollinating our crops, purifying the air we breathe, regulating the climate, keeping our soils fertile, providing us with medicine, and providing many of the basic building blocks for industry.

Yet, we are losing nature like never before

All scientists agree - we are losing nature like never before, in all parts of the world. This loss is closely linked to climate change, and is part of a general ecological crisis. The effects of biodiversity loss are already here and they will get worse if the trend continues.

So why are we losing biodiversity?

Habitat loss, over-exploitation, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species all contribute to biodiversity loss. But the underlying cause is unsustainable human activities. Our demand for new resources is driving deforestation, changing patterns of land use, and destroying natural habitats all around the globe. 

In Europe, the main cause of biodiversity loss is land-use change. Farming and forestry practices have become more intensive, with more chemical additives, fewer spaces between fields, and fewer varieties of crops. This lack of variety means far fewer insects, for example, and consequently fewer birds.

Cities and urban areas have also expanded enormously, leaving less room for nature. And when farmland and urban developments leave no room for nature, the result is a loss of biodiversity.


Nature-Based Solutions & Re-Naturing Cities

EU Research and Innovation policy agenda for Nature-Based Solutions & Re-Naturing Cities

Final Report of the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities



Oak Processionary Moth

Advice, Environment, Guidance, Pest, Disease and Pesticides, Trees-09 November 2017



Political guidelines for the next European commission 2019-2024.

A Union that strives for more. Political guidelines for the next European commission 2019-2024.

The Political Guidelines focus on six headline ambitions for Europe over the next five years and well beyond:

  • A European Green Deal
  • An economy that works for people
  • A Europe fit for the digital age
  • Protecting our European way of life
  • A stronger Europe in the world
  • A new push for European democracy

Ursula von der Leyen



Professional rules UNEP - France

Professional rules are the transcription and identification of the know-how of landscape companies. The professional rules are applicable to any actor contributing to the realization and the maintenance of a landscaping.

The professional rules of the landscape are organized in five axes:

  • plant implementation and maintenance work;
  • landscaping and maintenance work on landscaping;
  • implementation and maintenance work in greening buildings;
  • development and maintenance work on natural areas;
  • creation and maintenance of sports floors.

An example in PDF format: 'Travaux de plantation des arbres et arbustes'



School - Green schoolyards

It is a book filled with inspiration and information for gardeners who want to get started with the greening of schoolyards in their region.

Statistics GaLaBau 2017

GaLaBau industry data : turnover, businesses, employees ...


Are you protecting yourself from the sun?

Who is responsible, the employer or the employee?


Sustainable development for projects in environmental construction projects.

Viher KESY -  Kestävän ympäristörakentamisen toimintamalli.

Operating model for environmental construction.



The Green City - Live work care.

De Groene Stad - The Netherlands


The Green City Guidelines: A Healthy Living City.

Green City ohjeisto: Terveellinen asuttava kaupunki.




The Living Building

VHG manual The Living Building.
This manual is about green on top of, on and in buildings. It is a book full of inspiring ideas for green buildings, good for people, climate, nature and the economy. Buildings that contribute to an integrated approach to the societal challenges in the field of flooding, heat stress, energy, health, biodiversity and circularity.


Urban - Working on urban nature and participation

The Green Paper contains examples of cooperation between residents, municipalities and green professionals in the realization of (new) urban nature.

Urban and rural landscape management in Finland

The Finnish Association of Landscape Industries is the main organization dealing with urban and rural landscape management in Finland. The goal of the organisation is to develope and promote different areas in the green industry.


Urban green spaces, places of public health, vectors of economic activity

Asterès study /UNEP

‘Green spaces are profitable investments for society.’

While more than 8 in 10 French people want to live near a green space, municipalities allocate a budget too limited to green spaces in the city: less than 1% of their annual budget. This study shows that green spaces have a direct influence on the health of citizens, but also on the attractiveness of territories.

Urbanature – Merging nature, architecture and technology to transform our cities.

Anna Yudina 'How to connect architecture with nature ...'

Anna Yudina discussed the role of designers in integrating nature and architecture. She went into the question of how nature can get more space in our cities. Yudina presented a series of futuristic projects by well-known architects and designers from around the world. She gave examples of hybrid forms of architecture and nature: how designers integrated a river and a park into a residential complex. How you come to habitable forests and horticultural landscapes. And more examples of the inventive way in which architects integrate nature into buildings and the urban environment.

The common thread in her vision is the connection outside with inside. Plants, trees and shrubs are increasingly becoming part of the architecture lexicon. Furthermore, Yudina dealt with the following points.

  • What can you do with a skyscraper, an unnatural type of building that is temporarily out of our cities?
  • What are the alternative places for nature in densely built-up areas where there is no room for traditional parks?
  • Can concrete be plant-friendly?
  • What follows on green facades and green roofs?
  • Can vegetation be mobile?
  • How far can we extend the concept of 'urban nature'? How would we feel about that? And how is it going to transform our cities and, ultimately, ourselves?